Z87161045910 Charging Key Assembly (Z87161045910)

  • NSS Z87161045910
Z87161045910 Charging Key Assembly (Z87161045910) - main image 1


£6.15 (£5.13 ex. VAT) + P&P
RRP £7.60

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  • Product Description:

    Z87161045910 Charging Key Assembly (Z87161045910).

    The charging key assembly is compatible with Greenstar, Si/C1 Series, Greenstar ErP, Compact, I Junior Series and RD Series boilers. It is a component of the unit's filling loop and is suitable for use in central heating boilers and systems, allowing the user to manually top up the amount of water in the system if the pressure drops. External loops are typically removable to comply with regulations, whereas internal filling loops typically include a key that can be removed to interrupt the connection after use.

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    Product Specifications:

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