National Shower Spares staff get active!

Carrying on from Mental Health Awareness Week, we thought we would share how some of National Shower Spares’ staff have been getting out into nature!

National Shower Spares staff get active! image 1

Top left we have our General Manager, James Aherne, out for walkies with his gorgeous black Labrador Ted. Apparently Ted is very picky and only goes out for a walk when the weather isn’t too cold or raining!

Top middle, we have Trevor (aka Trevski) who had just taken part in an online Zumba class. Trevor is a qualified Zumba instructor, and is undoubtedly glad to get back to teaching again now lockdown restrictions have been lifted.

Top right are the very pretty (and photogenic) spaniels Willow and Flossie. They own Aaron West, our Ecommerce and IT Manager. They love playing on the beach and occasionally they take Aaron with them!

Bottom left is our Online Content Manager, Nikki Peat and her friend Emma Leach. Nikki and Emma can be found cycling around the Gloucestershire area, and have recently completed a charity bike ride, having raised over £500 for Harrisons Fund.

Bottom right is James Hodson, our Online Content Merchandiser, out for a paddle with his very cute daughters Pippa & Jessica. James lives in an area which is prone to flooding, so he’s got it right training them from a young age!  Although we suspect James is doing most of the work..

We hope we have inspired others to follow in our footsteps and step out into nature.

NSS Staff x

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