Vado Prima Shower Spares
You're currently viewing all breakdown diagrams for the Vado Prima range of showers.
Click on a model's name below to see a full exploded drawing as well as a comprehensive spare parts listing.
Not what you're looking for? View all Vado shower spares here, or you can try our Shower Spares Finder for an easy way to find what you're after.
Contact us here if you'd like any help or if you need us to identify the shower you have.
Vado Prima Mixer Showers
All models relating to Vado mixer showers. Tap on any icon in the list below to view a preview of that model. Tap a model's name to view more detailed information.
Not what you're looking for?
If you can't find the shower model you have in the list above (tap the to expand if on a mobile/tablet), then why not try our Shower Spares Finder tool below?